Wednesday, 26 October 2011


What is a mount?
A mount is an animal that you can obtain, train and eventually ride in WYD.
All mounts require feeding after a fixed period of time.
All mounts require a revival price should they happen to die.
All mounts have a length of life.
Certain mounts (although not many) can only be ridden by reborn (immortal) God characters.

What is a "revival price"?
A revival price is a fixed value you *must* pay if your mount dies.
Should you need to bring your mount back to life, you can go to the Mount Master of Erion and pay the fixed penalty.

What is "length of life"?
The length of life of a mount is a number generated randomly upon hatching.
If the physical strength of your mount is 0, or you haven't fed your mount and the feeding value is 0, should your character die while rideing your mount it's length of life will decrease between 1 and 3 at random.
If your mounts length of life reaches 0 - your mount is permanently dead, and cannot be revived.

What is the "physical strength" of a mount?
The physical strength of a mount is simply its hp.
You can monitor your mounts hp by useing the bar:

What are the benefits of having a mount?
All mounts increase damage absorption. As you go higher in the mount chain, the stronger your mount - the more benefits you will recieve from rideing it.
Here is a list of the known benefits of having mounts:
-Damage absorption
-Increasing phsycial damage
-Increasing magical damage
-Avoidance rate increase
-Magic resistance rate increase
-Rate of speed increase

There are 8 differant species of mounts; And 10 differant types of horses you can obtain.
Here are all of the mounts available in WYD at this current time includeing their stats, revival prices, food consumption, length of life and feeding values:

Here are the summons that only God characters can ride:

How do I get a mount?
There are several ways of obtaining a mount, if you would like to grow one from scratch this is how you do it:

Step. 1
You need to find an egg, you can either get one as a monster drop or you can purchase one from a player.

Step. 2
Once you have an egg, you need to hatch it.
Place your egg in your inventory slot on the left hand side of where your helmet/cap would go.
To access your inventory press I with your chat mode off.

The glowing egg shows the correct placement.

Now put your mouse cursor over your egg, it should read you a Critical Incubation value.
This value signifies how many Ori or Lak powders you are going to need to use on the egg to hatch it.
You need to drag a powder from your inventory onto your egg and then release however many times the value shows.
If it only says 1, you are in luck and will only need 1 powder to hatch your egg.
Please note: There is also a hatching incubation time, this is time that is applied once you have used a powder on your egg. It stops people hatching eggs that have a critical incubation value of say, 3 in a matter of seconds. You will have to wait a short while before you can again use another powder.

What is a Powder? Where do I get one?
Powder is short for Oriharukon powder or Laktorerium powder.
To get one you have to attain 10 Oriharukon or Laktorerium Scraps and then combine them into one turning it into a powder.
To do this you have to find Jeffri in Azran (If you're haveing trouble finding this guy, see the world map on the official site for an exact location: --> WYD Intro --> World Map).
Combineing the 10 scraps into one powder costs 1 million gold; To save money I'd advise collecting 40+ before paying the 1mill fee as it will only cost the 1mill to make all of the powders at once, rather than paying 1 mill each time you get 10 together!
The maximum number of scraps you can combine into powders is 6 as there is only 63 inventory spaces.

Step. 3
When your egg has hatched, it will be a baby. You will need to train your baby up into a fullygrown mountable animal.
There are several ways in which you can do this, I will list two here:

1. Drag and release (much like the powders) items called 'Essences' to raise your babys level.
What is an Essence? - These are items that will make leveling up ya baby pet *alot* faster. You also need an essence for the final level of your babies growth into a mountable pet. You need a particular essence for a particular pet, i.e. for a Boars Egg you will need a Boars Essence.

2. You use your character to weaken monsters to very low/next to no health. Then use your baby pet to finish off the monster.
Please note: you will need an essence for the final growth stage into a mountable pet.

PLEASE NOTE: Any errors or additions please send me via PM (Private Message).

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